The Bestiary
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A collection of beasts, both
mythical and
mundane, and all ready for the masquerade.
Fantastic Beasts
Large Dragon
A large horned dragon with cheek-fans flared. Heavy brow ridges suggest the thick bone of an immense face, as the eyelids protect vulnerable flesh. Shown painted between apple and burgundy, membranes and eyelids tinged darker, with black spiraled horns.
Lady Dragon
A much smaller mask in a style more like an eyemask, this razor-sharp female dragon is every bit as dangerous as the the larger male (though, naturally, either mask can suit any wearer.) Her delicate features and gentle sculpting are made vivid in this iteration by a burgundy stain over a wholly unique section of leather with a naturally-occuring scale-like texture.
Traditional Creatures
Bright and expressive, the foxes are a clever lot. The common Red Fox as pictured here, with his dimensionally sculpted ears and muzzle and shiny black nose, will be joined by a larger-eared tan desert counterpart, the Fennec; a rounder Arctic in white, and his cousins the Gray and Black. A more distant relative, the Wolf, will arrive shortly after.